101 Goals to complete in 1001 Days

Hello World!

I was recently introduced to dayzeroproject.com/  It’s a site that you can keep track of goals you would like to reach.  One of the most popular lists is called “101 in 1001”  It is a list of 101 things you would like to complete within 1001 days (roughly 2.7 years)  As you can tell, it does not seem as though you are prohibited from doing *more* than 101 things.  I look forward to starting these!   ( http://dayzeroproject.com/user/momofantro/list/101841 )

Anyone else like to share their goal list?

Here is my list:

  1. Ask 20 friends to suggest one book, and read them all
  2. Read 100 books
  3. Write a letter to myself to open in 10 years
  4. Sing karaoke
  5. Learn about 5 different religions and rituals
  6. Get a job
  7. Go camping
  8. Go on a road trip
  9. Watch 26 movies I’ve never seen starting with each letter of the Alphabet
  10. Go on a picnic
  11. Get a massage
  12. Do some volunteer work
  13. Get a passport
  14. Go rockclimbing
  15. Expand my vocabulary by 100 words
  16. Make ice cream from scratch
  17. Take a dance class
  18. Set a savings goal and reach it
  19. Get contacts
  20. Make homemade pasta
  21. Visit Grand Canyon National Park (Arizona)
  22. Mail a secret to PostSecret
  23. Complete a coloring book
  24. Sleep under the stars
  25. Paint a canvas
  26. Learn how to belly dance
  27. Get a pedicure
  28. Get a manicure
  29. Get a facial
  30. Dress up for Halloween
  31. Carve a pumpkin for Halloween
  32. Make a birthday cake for someone
  33. Host a dinner party
  34. Have dinner by candlelight
  35. Bake cupcakes
  36. Eat sushi
  37. Make a list of all family and friends Birthdays and Anniversaries
  38. Bake something for a friend
  39. Drink only water for 10 days
  40. Plant a balcony herb garden
  41. Learn to count to 10 in 10 languages
  42. Make a list of the top 5 people who have positively influenced me and write them letters
  43. Take a free online class
  44. Learn to identify 10 constellations
  45. Grow something from a seed
  46. See 10 classic movies I’ve never seen
  47. Go ice skating
  48. Identify 100 things that make me happy
  49. Watch a meteor shower
  50. Write a short story
  51. Go to a concert
  52. Write a song
  53. Sing in public
  54. Make a pie on Pi day
  55. Make a handmade greeting card
  56. Make a piece of clothing for myself
  57. Make a homemade pizza
  58. Write a haiku
  59. Write a love letter
  60. Write a poem
  61. Leave a 100% tip
  62. Pay for someone else’s food behind me at the drive-thru
  63. Volunteer at a local animal rescue
  64. Watch two movies at a cinema in the same day
  65. Watch 25 documentaries
  66. Write a poetry book
  67. Host a board games night
  68. Host a murder mystery party
  69. Host a tea party
  70. Host a party
  71. Find a new hobby
  72. Leave an inspirational note for someone to find
  73. Travel by train
  74. Learn 50 new things by clicking the random articles button on Wikipedia
  75. Try meditation
  76. Take a Yoga class
  77. Travel by plane
  78. Walk for 30 minutes every day for 90 days
  79. Make at least 10 recipes that I’ve pinned on Pinterest
  80. Make at least 10 crafts that I’ve pinned on Pinterest
  81. Jump in mud puddles
  82. Pay for someone’s groceries
  83. Meet a celebrity
  84. Go Christmas caroling
  85. Visit a farm
  86. Keep a “My Day in Six Words” journal for 6 months
  87. Celebrate all 8 Sabbats and Esbats
  88. Learn how to start a fire
  89. Learn basic archery
  90. Make a quilt
  91. Create something special for mom
  92. Start a blog
  93. Start a savings account
  94. Take a picture every day for a month
  95. Build a bonfire
  96. Find a personally inspirational quote and work it into a piece of art or home decor
  97. Jump into a pile of leaves
  98. Go paintballing
  99. Write a spell
  100. Bake bread from scratch
  101. Cook a three course meal
  102. Double my goals

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